Monday, May 27, 2024

Toronto Women's International Dragon Boat Festival

This annual all-women's dragon boat regatta is one of the first of the season and teams from Canada and the United States competed in Heart Lake Conservation Park on Sunday, May 26, 2024. The Toronto Women's International Dragon Boat Festival is hosted by the True North Senior Women and hundreds of participants take to the lake in boats holding 22 crew - 20 paddlers, one drummer/caller and one steerer.
Teams get in some stretches prior to their races
Some of the teams had banners - like Gilda's Dragons
True North Paddling Club

Several of the teams include breast cancer survivor teams and the ages of the rowers was quite diverse as they took part in qualifications and elimination rounds in races of 200m, 500m and 2km. This is also a qualifier for the Canadian National Championships. The festival also included food and beverage sales, mystery bag sales and a lot of items up for bids in a silent auction. 
Competitions had two to four teams. Each team lined up and two teams boarded the boats at a time
The GWN dragon boats even had their own dragons

See more of the festival after the jump.
Some last minute pep talks after loading
Pushing off the dock

The after race high five is important

Get off the boat, then relax before the next heat. It's a long day of hard paddling

There were two sets of four numbered boats. One set would be loading/unloading and one would be racing
Cool team like Chicks Ahoy! I remember a Toronto Roller Derby team with that name

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