Thursday, January 12, 2017

Birds of the GTA

Bird watching is a popular pastime for many and with the wealth of birds in and around Toronto you can always find some type of feathered subject for your photos. Fresh Joe spent some time looking for elusive owls which, in many cases, people keep secret to protect the location of rare species. One of my favourites is the cute little Chickadee which is prone to fly into your hand if you have some peanuts handy. There is very few things in nature as satisfying as the Chickadee fluttering about and then coming to light on your fingers, grab a quick nut and in a flash fly away again. All these pictures are by Joe Hamilton, including the Blue Jay pictured above.
Northern Cardinal
Red Shouldered Hawk

A Mute Swan and her babies (cygnets)

More birds after the jump.

Hairy Woodpecker
Hooded Merganser
Another Cardinal

Trumpeter Swans

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