Sunday, January 01, 2017

Toronto Polar Bear Dip 2017

New Years Day at Sunnyside Park was gorgeous and hundreds of swimmers came down for the afternoon plunge into Lake Ontario. We have had sunny swims in the past, but the temperatures were way higher this year than found in the past (remember 2014?) - hovering around the freezing point with little wind chill and only a tiny dollop of snow on the beach. The organizers didn't have to clear away any ice in the water, because there was none.

Swimmers registered from 11am in the bright sunlight of January 1, 2017 and at noon they lined up in the beach in front of the pavilion, waited for the count down and set off into the cold waters of the inner harbour. There was a lot of hand holding and groups that made the jump into the water easier than going it alone.

Rooster head

See more after the jump.

She lost her camera in the water but I managed to find it
The Ruskies from Red October invaded the dip

And the massive run to the water begins

They say don't wear flip flops because they come off as soon as you hit the water. Wear water shoes or running shoes if possible

We the North
The Stanley Cup came out as well
The Streakin' Speedsters return to support the charity

Monster Plowing Company sponsored the 2017 Toronto Polar Bear Dip. And they had a big, bearded presence at the New Years Day swim. Plus tutus.

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