Friday, May 30, 2014

Sunrise photoshoot with Theresa Longo

Fresh Joe and I met Canadian Supermodel @TheresaLongo at HTO Park as the sun rose over #Toronto for an early morning modeling session. The urban park comes complete with sand, umbrellas and Muskoka chairs and sits between the Rogers Centre and Lake Ontario on Queens Quay West. The sandy park comes without an actual beach but it is still a nice place to enjoy some rays while relaxing besides a line of condominiums.
5:30 am comes a little too early in the day for warmth so Theresa had to endure some chilly goose bumps before the sun rose higher in the sky. The beautiful Brand Ambassador and International model and actress keeps extremely busy with arts, acting, fitness and music and has won several beauty pageants and national titles. She has appeared in two movies and is also listed in the Internet Movie Database Site (IMDb).

In addition to being very attractive she is also such a friendly person and we loved working with her. See more photos from the day's shoot after the jump.

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