Monday, June 24, 2013

@StreetARToronto and Graffiti Folly

@Harbourfront art installation Sundial Folly always seems to attract graffiti and lately there has been some Batman and Superman symbols, which makes me feel safer for some reason. The city's fight against graffiti vandalism does not include a fight against legitimate and commissioned graffiti murals, in fact Toronto has established an artist directory to bring business and the street artists together. You can check out the city website to find a graffiti artist directory and the Graffiti Art Exemption Applications.
Sundial Folly
The StreetARToronto (StART) directory of over 30 artists is a proactive program to add beauty and character to many of Toronto's neighbourhoods. StreetARToronto makes it easy for the public and businesses to connect with street artists. Samples of the artist work is featured in the database along with contact information, availability and rates. The initiative is from The Clean Toronto Together campaign.
Toronto's skyline with the Sundial Folly in the forefront

"Murals and street art are an effective way to prevent graffiti vandalism while adding colour, vibrancy, and life to our streets," says Councillor Cesar Palacio (Ward 17 Davenport). "StART's artist directory is a way the City can help its residents and businesses build relationships with artists and add to our growing collection of street art."
Rhino mural

Wiener dog bridge mural
And on Wednesday, June 26 Mayor Rob Ford and Councillor Vincent Crisanti will fight against posters put up on Toronto streets. The education and enforcement program is also part of Clean Toronto Together and will officially launch at 11 am at the NW corner of Kipling and Finch.

"The campaign will encourage residents and businesses to use the City's street furniture kiosks and message boards to advertise upcoming events and services instead of postering on hydro poles, bus shelters, utility boxes or newspaper boxes. Posters that are placed on hydro poles, light standards and other public places will be removed by City staff and violators will be fined."

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