Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Desperately seeking Fall

I was extremely happy during the recent days of record high temperatures in #Toronto, then we get hit with tiny snow and dropping temperatures, with a little wind chill thrown in for good measure. The end of Fall doesn't really come until the Winter Solstice begins, which apparently, or maybe allegedly, is on December 21, 2012 at 6:12 am EST. I say it that way because I really don't trust that magical date, especially so close to the date when the real Santa speeds through the sky delivering presents to everyone that has been nice.
No, Fall is gone because the leaves in the trees have died and been blown down to the ground by Sandy, or they hang on for dear life, dried and blah, ready for the next big wind to come - like those in the little courtyard of the Church of the Holy Trinity tucked in beside the Eaton Centre.

When it starts to get near or below freezing that my friends is winter, and so winter is now. Here, for your viewing pleasure, is a look back at some of the lovely leaves found in the GTA that really told us to run; winter is coming.

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