Sunday, November 04, 2012

Day of the Dead #Toronto 2012

Celebrate and honour the dead at the @harbourfrontTO annual Mexican festival on the weekend of November 3-4. Artists and craftspeople, music and food complemented the shrines, alters and skeletons at the Queens Quay Centre.
Traditionally the people of Mexico pray and makes shrines on November 1-2 for loved ones who have passed. But festivals are better on the weekend.
"Celebrate life at the Day of the Dead! Featuring artists from Mexico, traditional music, food, stories and more, our Day of the Dead festival celebrates life while paying tribute to loved ones who have passed away. Featuring Mexican artists Carlomagno Pedro Martinez, Jorge Morenos and others."
Ofrenda in memory of Jack Layton

More after the jump.

The Sweet Dreams Ofrenda

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