Update: See more cosplay costumes for FanExpo 2011 on my post here.
The use of coloured contact lens is really popular at the show and they look really cool.
This massive show has a lot of comics, venders, some great celebrities and plenty of people dressed up in all sorts of costumes. I was very happy to get some shots of Summer Glau (below) from the TV series "Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles".
The celebrities are along the east side of the convention centre and most charge for photos and autographs. Sometimes you can take their pictures from the crowd and sometimes the security was in charge of blocking photos unless you paid money for the picture. Even when the program said the stars were there for photo opportunities you probably still needed to pay.
I also saw Worf from "Star Trek" and Dean Stockwell (above) from one of my favourite shows "Quantum Leap". Batman, Robin and the Batmobile were also at he show although I could not take pictures of the dynamic duo. There were other superheros helping to fill the large space including this group from "Heroes of the World" and this cat lady. A lot of hot girls really rock the costumes. The upcoming movie Tron Legacy also had a large presence at the show.
Some sparkling vampires were promoting the HBO TV series "True Blood" with tattoos and a glimpse of the drink Tru Blood. Their shirts said "VILF" and it took me a second to put it together so they have quite the sense of humour.
The 501st Star Wars Legion had a large presence at the show. They gathered together on the steps of the bridge leading to the Rogers Centre to get a group photo taken and it was quite a group. Princess Leia was in the famous bikini outfit where she was brought in to Jabba the Hut as a prisoner, it's good to see some cheek.
The Montreal Comiccon 2010 also had a booth at Toronto's Fan Expo. They are promoting their September 11-12 event at Place Bonaventure and promise visits by Data (Brent Spiner) and Elvira, Mistress of the Dark and many others.
See more photos of Fan Expo after the jump.
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