Saturday, August 20, 2011

Warriors Day Parade

In a salute to the military the Warriors Day Parade marches through the CNE starting at the Princes' Gates on Saturday, August 20, 2011 starting at 10:30am. The various branches of the military and from quite a few countries are represented at the parade with over 2,500 participants. This is the 90th anniversary of the parade - quite a tradition. The reviewing officer was Lt-General Peter Devlin, Chief of the Land Staff and Honorary Colonel Dave Devall is the Honorary Parade Marshall.
The groups gathered in a parking lot just outside the Exhibition grounds. The pipes and drums sounded out in practice while many took photos of each other in their fancy uniforms and flags were wound around poles waiting for the chance to fly free.

See more photos of the parade preparations after the jump.

There was a double row of jeeps, some with weapons, along with a few CNE trams ready to transport some of the members through the EX.

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