Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sexy Cosplay from Toronto FanExpo comic convention

Some people at the Toronto FanExpo left the pocket protectors at home and came showing some sexy skin and revealing cosplay outfits. Playtime can be fun at the comic conventions when people dress up in the favourite characters from comics, movies, games, cartoons and magma/anime - and whatever else they can think of. Here are some photos of the hot costumes and the beautiful ladies from FanExpo 2011, you can see more of my pictures from the show here.
Princess Leia's bikini when she was Jabba's slave in the Star Wars series ranks high in the fanboy experience.

The 3D ladies of XBox 360 and LG.
Babydoll from the movie Sucker Punch
Sexy steampunk.

Some costumes had a lot of leather or latex.

See more photos after the jump.



Wonder Woman

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