Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Salsa on St Clair 2023

A sea of humanity was drawn to the Latin flavoured street festival held on St. Clair West from Winona to Christie in Toronto from July 8-9, 2023. The bold and tasty fiesta brought out fans of dancing, drinking and fun. Some times it was difficult to make it through the crowds listening to live entertainment or getting salsa lessons in the middle of the street.

This annual free festival is Canada's largest salsa party with international and local artists which started in 2005 and brings hundreds of thousands to St. Clair West.

From Salsa's website "TD Salsa on St. Clair is the only festival where people do more than just eat and watch entertainment – they take part in non-stop dancing in the streets! The street festival is Canada’s hottest salsa party featuring an international caliber of Latin music, authentic cuisine, and a fiesta for lovers of all Latino culture."

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