Friday, September 27, 2019

#AreYouIn Scene National No Excuses Day

I saw a bunch of people with signs at Yonge and Dundas in Toronto but they weren't protesters, they were part of the Scene crew promoting No Excuses Day on Friday, September 27, 2019. This is a celebration of hitting 10 million Scene loyalty program members with a chance to win some scene points that you can use at the movies or for other promotions.
A media release tells us that "SCENE launched the campaign to inspire Canadians to prioritize time for shared social experiences and shine a spotlight on just how often they are making excuses and opting to stay in. A recent survey conducted by SCENE found that more than 90 per cent of Canadians have made an excuse to get out of going out with friends and family, despite the fact that 75 per cent of those polled feel that social experiences are good for their well-being."

"With so many commitments and responsibilities, people often get caught up in their daily routines and forget to pause to have some fun," said Matthew Seagrim, Managing Director, SCENE. "We are thrilled to be launching National No Excuses Day on September 27 to encourage Canadians everywhere to say 'yes' to making memories together. Whether it's food, flicks or other fun, SCENE is making it easier to make time for the ones who matter most, while at the same time celebrating a huge milestone for our team."

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