Saturday, September 28, 2019

Doors Open Ontario - Acton Town Hall

This is the weekend to visit some unusual places that you normally wouldn't find open to the public, or where entrance is free during Doors Open Ontario from September 28-29, 2019. In the little town of Acton (part of Halton Hills) you can visit the Acton Town Hall Centre, or take a walking history tour. Halton Hills Hydro is also having an open house at the same time. Take a look at the Doors Open Ontario website and find some place you want to visit.
Ann hung up 32 paintings around Willow Hall and the Stage

Acton artist Ann Hamilton (why is that name familiar?) has setup her exhibition of watercolour paintings in the second floor of the former 19th-century town hall, jail and fire department. This Doors Open will only be available to the public on Sunday, September 29 from 10am to 4pm. You can still see a couple of the jail cells in the main floor of the original building to the left.
"Explore the Italianate splendour in the heart of Acton – in this refurbished 19th-century town hall, complete with original bell tower and modern addition. This grand building hosted council meetings of the town fathers, rocked with Saturday night dance parties, and jailed delinquents in its cold, dark cell. An exhibition of work by local artist Ann Hamilton will be on display."

Halton Hills Hydro crews get me harnessed up and into the bucket. Brady is the journeyman lineman operator taking me up

The municipal utility, Halton Hills Hydro, also hosted a community open house on Saturday from 9am to 1pm. Located at 43 Alice Street in Acton the yard and the garage is open with information booths as well as trucks and equipment, you could even ride in an 85 foot double bucket truck high in the sky and take in a free barbecue lunch.
Great views of the town from the bucket truck
"This is a great opportunity for the whole family to tour behind the scenes at your local utility. There will be balloons and entertainment for kids as well as opportunities to see our trucks and equipment. Visitors will be able to meet our staff, see information booths and learn about our future planning process."
The Moorecraft (Beatty House) was also part of Doors Open Halton Hills

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