Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Toronto Color Me Rad 2018

A 5k Fun Run with a coating of coloured powders thrown by volunteers at various colour stations - the Color Me Rad is back. Taking place in Downsview Park on Saturday, May 12 from 9am to 1pm.  Tickets to the run also include a runner's bib, a t-shirt, temporary tattoo, a pair of sunglasses and one colour bomb at the finish line celebration. Updated with photos from the 2018 run.

The first group of runners take off through a billowing smoke screen

"We’re the only 5K that will send you running through the rainbow and leave you covered from head to toe in powders of pink, yellow, green, blue, and violet. Winners are rewarded at the finish line with DJ anchored dance party that will make you forget you just ran a 5k. After a day of color bombardment, we guarantee your outlook will be brighter and ass a lot tighter."

Parking is available on site, I believe they charge $10 a car, and you walk over to the starting area to buy some colour packs then head to the starting line where hundreds of runners are let go in groups. You pass through the various stations where they throw clouds of colour powder, or squirt you with a coloured liquid. Remember to show up at 45 minutes ahead of your wave time.

Run day schedule: 8:30am Zumba warm up, 9am start line opens, 11am start line closes and noon is the final colour throw. See more of the colour run after the jump.

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