Saturday, September 10, 2016

Casper Snooze Room on Festival Lane

The hard part about tiff is not seeing plenty of movies, it is trying to be an amateur paparazi. Staking your piece of the fence a long time ahead of the premier, walking between theatres, red carpets and celebrity hotspots is search of cinematic superstars. Sometimes you need to take a quick nap and energize to be ready for the next star sighting.

On King Street just down from the tiff Lightbox is a set of temporary rooms, bedrooms if you will, set up for disco naps and some other surprises. "Come re-energize between films in our larger-than-life bedroom. Zzz you there! Dream big, Toronto. The Snooze Room is bringing naps and other surprises to your city for the month of August. Take a test snooze on the Casper products in a traveling bedroom that’s larger than life. Enjoy all of the Instagram-worthy moments, take an afternoon nap, and leave with a complimentary tea sachet from DAVIDs TEA. Zzz you there!"

I believe you have to make a reservation to enjoy the rest of the Snooze Room, so don't be tired without an RSVP. Casper is looking to provide Sleep For All, so happy slumber to you.

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