Saturday, December 28, 2013

Annual #Toronto Cosplay Skating

Costume players on skates took to the ice at the Natrel Harbourfront ice rink on Saturday, December 28, 2013.
"It’s that time of year again where you can pull out your skates and put on those cosplays that are just too warm to wear indoors. The annual Toronto Cosplay Skate is happening once again! This year, same as last, it will be taking place at Harbourfront. If you choose to cosplay, awesome! if you can’t / don’t cosplay, that’s cool too! Same goes for skating; there’s plenty of room on the sidelines for you to sit with a warm drink in hand and talk with your friends, take photos, or meet new people. This rink also offers all day skate rentals in case you don’t have a pair, but still want to skate."

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