Friday, December 06, 2013

Buskers sleep through the long, cold winter

Street performers in Toronto must hibernate during the long, cold months of winter. The enter a period of stasis and become just like you or me. Or maybe they stay in character - I can just see Silver Elvis sitting in his lazyboy all silvery and mirrory, hunting through netflix (I mean who doesn't have to hunt through netflix, looking for something, anything to watch. Damn, it takes longer to find something then you spend actually watching something. Plus, if you make a snack, or god forbid, dinner, you can't eat until you pick something out - then everything is cold and you still haven't picked a movie. Stupid Netflix!) Anywho, before long you stop seeing Batman, the balloon guy, the bronze business guy, the Fire Guy, Kate Mior or the many street musicians. Come back summer.
The Fire Guy adds fuel to the fire

Batman exposed

Kate Mior

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