Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Peggy's Cove Lighthouse in #Toronto

A 28 foot replica of the famous east coast lighthouse is in the financial district at the corner of Bay and Wellington Streets. Too many banks were getting hit by passing icebergs and ferrys so the City thought it would be a good idea to put the lighthouse outside of the RBC building. If you post a picture of yourself in front of the lighthouse you could win a lobster dinner, check out the www. site for more information.
The promotion for Nova Scotia tourism will run from May 15 to June 9, 2013 and will feature the Kilted Chef, Alain Bosse, presenting a lobster cooking demonstration, comedian Candy Palmater and the Squid Precision Drumming. The Taste of Nova Scotia joined the tourism agency to showcase the province as an culinary destination.
"The Peggy's Cove lighthouse is an international tourism icon, drawing hundreds of thousands of visitors every year," said Minister of Economic and Rural Development and Tourism, Graham Steele. "The Peggy's Corner promotion is one of many creative tactics in our Take Yourself There tourism marketing campaign, which is encouraging more first-time visitors from outside the region to visit Nova Scotia."

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