WikiLeaks puts out over 25,000 documents originating from the United States. Countries around the world are expected to be horrified to hear what the US says in secret about their respective country. Canadians have found out that Canada has a "
habitual inferiority complex". I will continue with an in depth review of the records but I am sure that we will also find that we are also polite and tend to be quiet (except in the
underground PATH pedestrian walkway and shopping system during rush hour where it's everyone for themselves, keep up with the flow of traffic or I'm going to walk over you).
The Toronto Star did a story on the impact of Canada not fighting in Iraq - we were cut out of the intelligence loop and the
Star says as a result Canada was "chagrined". Cripes, chagrined - "a keen sense of mental unease, as of annoyance or embarrassment (from the
freedictionary)", we weren't even superior enough to be pissed - just mildly annoyed.
One more important point is that both the US and Canada "are blessed to share the beauties and riches of North America".
They have our number and I don't know about you but I think we should just tip the States and say thanks.
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