Sunday, July 23, 2006

Summer in Ontario

The extreme heat of July and August in Southern Ontario has been tempered by cool nights and plenty of rain in recent weeks. With the temperatures cooling at night I have not even put up the inflatable pool. It does make it easier to sleep at night since we have no air conditioning.
During the weekends we love to get away on day trips to explore some of Ontario's beautiful sights and last weekend we visited our friends who live in Montreal. The have a family cottage on Pikes Bay in the Bruce Peninsula. We stopped in Wiarton on the way up and hugged Wiarton Willies statue (white groundhog who predicts spring) down at the beach, then hung at the cottage and swam in the bay on the first day. The next day we head over to Bruce National Park - Cyprus Lake to play in the cold green waters of Georgian Bay and hike down the cliffs of the grotto. Later we stop at the flat rocks on a point just north of Pikes Bay on Lake Huron. The wind rolls in and the waves pound against the massive boulders and ledges of the flat rock and of course my kids are out swimming in the waters. I can only take so much and I get the girl (she is younger than the boy) out and a few minutes later I make the boy come out. He is swept under by the currents, almost crushed against a boulder, climbs on the boulder and gets swept off it, then manages to get onto land with a bruised wrist and he wonders why he had to get out.

This week we intend to go to Lake Erie and explore the area near the wind farm along the shores of Lake Erie near Tillsonburg. Ann was up there recently on a girls night out camping trip and really liked the area and loved the landscape full of wind turbines. I had also just been up to the Bruce Power site where a small windfarm is located outside the power plant property.

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