Friday, July 07, 2006

Media Pass

Thursday July 6 - Joe and I head into Toronto to pick up the Toronto Grand Prix media and pit pass at the race hotel. It took an hour to get into Toronto and only 20 minutes to get the pass. The conference room is full of activity as workers and marshalls all pass through this area.
We present photo ID to get the pass and cycle through the photos and lamination of the pass and we are set to go. However we do not receive the coveted trackside access lock and our photo opportunities are severely restricted (still the passes are cool and do show us as media). Joe is upset because he covers so many races, concentrating on CASCAR, and has many published photos - including a two page spread in Inside Track for last years Molson Grand Prix.

Joe argues with the pass people and we head to the exhibition to discuss the issue with the race representatives - no go.

We decide we will go Friday and Saturday but not attend the actual race day (Sunday July 9, 2006).

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