Sunday, August 28, 2011

Return to the Valley of the Buskerfest

Everyone in Toronto decided to drop by Buskerfest in the St Lawrence Market area, everyone. Damn it was crowded in the hood. Tucked into the wide Front Street and closed to vehicular traffic the street festival was bursting with humanity moving up and down the streets, squeezing between vendors and the rest of the attendees. They really need to get more raised stages so that more people can see the shows. When you could see the shows were fantastic and young and old enjoyed the shows. More Buskerfest 2011 photos here.
I had a view for Mr Toons, Lindsay Benner, Bendy Em, FlameOz and the XL Insects.
Mr Toons

Lindsay Benner, balancing and juggling with flames
Bendy Em fits into the tiny cube

At night time the shows which include flames add an extra touch of excitement. FlameOz uses a lot of fire and their costumes reflect when you use a flash so their costumes look like they are in the movie TRON.

I came in the afternoon on Saturday and returned later in the evening to watch some of the fire shows. I have to say that my favourite performers are the gang from XL Insects - their interactive monsters that wander through the packed streets are made even more amazing at night when flares are lit and the smoke and red tinge fill the air.

See more photos after the jump.

Sidewalk chalk art

Some photos of the large crowds

More Bendy Em - body contortionist

More FlameOz

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