Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Niagara-on-the-Lake and Fort George

When half of the GTA is on the road to Niagara-on-the-Lake, wineries and the big, famous waterfalls nearby it forces you to take your time getting to the tourist area and contemplate the history of the area. Canada's early history includes a military engagement against the United States during the War of 1812 and a part of that history can be found at historic Fort George.

Soldiers in bright red uniforms put on demonstrations of musket firing and guides around the fort help people learn of the life and times of the soldiers and civilians that were found in the wooden structures, behind wood pole fencing and deep ditches. The fort was built 1796-1802 and troops were involved in the Battle of Queenston Heights and those Americans took the fort during the Battle of Fort George. 

It was during the tour that I found out that the fort was not in the best place to defend the lake and the river so they built another, better fort on the other side of Niagara-on-the-Lake. Now under the 18th hole of the golf course the Fort Mississauga is the unknown brother of Fort George.

You can see the American fort - Old Fort Niagara across the Niagara River. It was a very impressive fort, less woody than our fort. Ironically it used to be British but they lost it as a result of the American War for Independence (1775-1783).

From the friends of Fort George website; "Today, visitors to Fort George National Historic Site can step back in time to experience the early military history of Niagara. Tour through 19th century military architecture including the Blockhouses, Officers' Quarters, Artificers Shop and Guard House. Make sure to visit the powder magazine, which is the only building to have survived the Battle of Fort George and is the oldest military building in Ontario today! Throughout the summer, experience the sounds of the Fife and Drum Corps, witness the training manoeuvres of the 41st Regiment Infantry unit, taste food prepared over an open fire in the Officer's Kitchen, and witness musket and artillery demonstrations."

You can also go through all the stores on Niagara-on-the-Lake before or after your visit.

See more of the fort after the jump.

Aiming towards those pesky 'Muricans

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