Thursday, September 09, 2021

Roundhouse Park in Toronto - railways and beer

The rail line running through the southern portion of Toronto was the first tracks for the city built in 1851 by the Ontario, Simcoe and Huron (OS&H) railway. Roundhouse park was built in the former waters of Lake Ontario before fill changed the water to land and added to the city's boundaries. The building is the original 1939 locomotive turntable which became a city park in 1997 and has become the home of the Toronto Railway Museum, Steam Whistle Brewing and the Rec Room. It has also recently been added to with the addition of an underground hydro substation and of course across the road is the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Ripley's Aquarium of Canada and Rogers Centre.

The Railway Museum features a number of train components as well as the restored locomotive turntable and a tiny steam train that you can ride on that loops around the site. The tiny train runs on a small gauge (7.25 inch) tracks which you can see on the left side of the picture that follows.

A miniature water tower and a train station

The Steam Whistle Brewing company occupies the eastern section of the roundhouse building, started by three former Upper Canada Brewing Company employees, affectional known as the "Three Fired Guys'.  Always a great place to visit for some cold brews when you are in the area.

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