Saturday, November 30, 2019

Toronto Brainfreeze Polar Dip 2019

With Brainfreeze you don't have to wait for New Years Day to get chilled to the bone! A crowd of over 500 dippers supported youth mental health to plunge into the cold waters of Lake Ontario at Woodbine Beach.

Registration started st 9am and just after 10am the crowd warmed up with yoga and then a mass takeoff began as everyone ran into the waves of the lake. Windchill was -7 degrees and the water temperature was about 6 degrees celcius.
Apart from waking you up with an adrenaline rush like no other, Brainfreeze can help you: (a) intimidate winter into leaving you alone, (b) obtain everlasting glory on the 'gram, aaaaand (c) make a lifesaving difference for young people struggling with their mental health.

From jackorg's website "We want to build Brainfreeze into a record-breaking nationwide polar bear dip, so talk to your buds and book your spots now! There's a registration fee for each polar bear participant and everyone is asked to fundraise a minimum of $100. All funds raised directly support's game-changing youth mental health programs. Join us for the squealing-est feeling-est day of do-goodery in Canada!"

See more of the dope after the jump.

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