Saturday, August 31, 2019

Fall Artfest in the Distillery District

The ever popular Toronto must see neighbourhood has the Labour Day long weekend Artfest from August 30 to September 2, 2019 from 11am to 6pm daily. Visitors can wander the alleys and streets of the Distillery District looking for fine art and crafts during the free event while enjoying live music and the shops and restaurants in the district.

From Artfest's website: "Toronto at the Distillery takes place on two holiday long weekends in the summer. The show focuses on fine art and craft with a splash of gourmet food. A curated selection of 80 artists from across Ontario, Quebec and beyond will be exhibiting their art and craft throughout the Historic Distillery District. You will discover paintings, photography, sculpture, pottery, glass art, jewellery, designer clothing and more."

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