Saturday, December 29, 2018

Tunnel of Glam in Toronto

And it is fabulous! Over 14 million colourful sequins near Yonge and St. Clair are in an 80 foot tunnel open daily from 7am to 11pm. The artist installation by Studio F Minus is at 1501 Yonge Street and was commissioned by the Yonge and St. Clair BIA. You can only see the Tunnel of Glam from December 1 to 31, 2018.

The BIA site says; "The Tunnel of Glam is an 80-foot covered pedestrian walkway lined with over 14 million reversible sequins. Interactive and colourful, the tunnel represents the largest ever single use of the material, and will offer delight to families through the holiday season."
The small, shimmering discs are meant to be touched and running your hand through the sequins shows the underlying colour so you can make some groovy designs in the wall or just write your name.

"Everyone is encouraged to interact with the 14 million plus reversible sequins. These act as analogue pixels, the scale of which begs for big, over the top movements. Why use just the tip of a finger – as we are forced to with a phone or tablet – when here you can use your whole hand, to make a mark by running from one end of the tunnel to the other?"

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