Thursday, July 12, 2018

World Naked Bike Ride Montreal 2018

The mobile protest against oil dependency and car culture is returning to Montreal on Saturday, July 21, 2018. Riders will gather at Dorchester Square around noon and head out on the Le Cyclo Nu International or World Naked Bike Ride at 1pm. Bring some paints and do some body painting! Taking a stand for the environment two cheeks at a time also promotes bicycling and welcomes all body types.

Humans on bicycles are a fragile lot while driving in traffic, especially naked and this demonstration shows just how vulnerable they are.

The ride was not held in 2017, but in prior years the city would host both a day and night time ride. And although it is known as a naked bike ride you can disrobe to your comfort level, it is bare as you dare. You can see photos of Toronto's World Naked Bike Ride 2018 on my post here.

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