Saturday, December 09, 2017

Toronto Fan Holiday #Comicon 2017

Friends don't let friends cosplay alone. Toronto enjoyed another #comicon on Saturday, December 9, 2017 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. This is an intimate gathering of fans held within a small part of the south building's Hall D, without the gigantic lineups and high ticket prices. The cost was only $10 and you still got comics, accessories, artists and of course the amazing cosplay.

The one day event started at 11am and continued until 5pm, enough time for thousands to wander the aisles and enjoy the day with friends and fellow fans. You could even pose with the Star Wars contingent from the 501st Legion as they joined Santa Claus for a holiday photo op - HO HO HO and may the force be with you.

See more cosplay after the jump.

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