NOTE: Due to the extreme cold weather the City has greatly reduced the planned schedule. "The New Year’s Eve event will begin shortly before midnight with a live DJ set, followed by a countdown to the stunning fireworks display, which will be taking place at midnight as planned. We will continue to monitor weather conditions over the next 48 hours and make further adjustments if necessary. We advise those attending to dress appropriately for the weather, cover all extremities, monitor themselves and others for signs of cold stress, and keep active when outdoors, if possible. Our website includes more information on the health impacts of extreme cold weather."
Original Schedule and Artists
8 p.m. | OBUXUM
8:45 p.m. | Classic Roots & Nimkii Osawamick
9:40 p.m. | Nino Brown (Yes Yes Y'all)
10:30 p.m. | Jessy Lanza (DJ Set)
11:15 p.m. | Bonjay
Midnight | Fireworks by GFA Pyro
8 p.m. - Midnight | Visuals by Roxanne Luchak
Midnight | Fireworks by GFA Pyro
8 p.m. - Midnight | Visuals by Roxanne Luchak
The City of Toronto provides the following information for getting to the event:
We encourage you to take public transit to this event. There will be a number of road closures in effect around Nathan Phillips Square.
In addition to the regular all-night Blue Night Network service, the Toronto Transit Commission is extending its all-night subway service on all lines (Lines 1, 2, 3 and 4) to 4 a.m. on January 1. TTC service will be free from 7 p.m. on Sunday, December 31 to 7 a.m. on Monday, January 1. Arriving to and departing from the event via Osgoode Station is recommended. More information about the holiday schedule is available at
GO Transit will provide extended late-night service and offer free rides after 7 p.m. GO schedules are available at We are committed to presenting an accessible event. An accessible viewing area and a sign-language interpreter will be provided onsite.
Date & TimeStart Date:Sunday, 31 December 2017End Date:Sunday, 31 December 2017Time:8:00 PM - 11:59 PM
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