Sunday, February 05, 2017

Workwear at Harbourfront

Re-imagined clothes of workers are on display at the Queens Quay West cultural and creative centre, curated and conceived by Alessandro Guerriero, created by a dozen designers and sewn by members of Arkadia Onlus. Protection and representation give way to expressions of a bizarre alternative life. The exhibition is on from January 21 to April 23, 2017.
"This exhibition is not a display of “work clothes” but of garments for hypothetical, invented, coveted, imaginary jobs that actually invent new jobs for a new and different society. Today’s designers, including the 39 in this exhibition, work amid epochal changes – the decline of the myth of great masters and of the small factories of fine Italian design on the one side, and on the other, between the giant global entities of eastern virtual design and the complete subversion of centres of post-economic and post-industrial geography. Nevertheless, there are those who attempt to discover new territories – empty spaces, experimental, staggering, radical and unknown. What would clothes look like not only for bakers, carpenters and tailors but also for an email eraser, a butterfly engineer, the one who looks for a needle in a haystack, a healer of the healthy, a survivor, or a quarreller?"

You can also go skating on the Natrel Rink just outside the centre or check out the artisans that are working on the east side of the building - including glass blowers.

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