Sunday, February 05, 2017

Ice Breakers at Harbourfront

Five new outdoor art installations are sprinkled around Queens Quay West - from the Music Garden to Canada Square, joining Winter Stations as a cold weather Toronto destination. Introduced on January 21, 2017 the works will remain for five weeks and were "conceived to inspire exploration of the urban waterfront in colder months" while named after the ships that break Lake Ontario's ice to keep commerce and the ferry's flowing. 'Icebox' is pictured at top in HTO park.
'Tailored Twins' are my favourite
This is a collaboration between the Winter Stations founders and the Waterfront BIA and features giant hands, a big box, some modular boxes, a few camouflaged structures and some almost sailboats.
'Leeward Fleet'

“Design is a powerful motivator,” says Roland Rom Colthoff, principle at RAW design and a Winter Stations co-founder. “The Waterfront is one of Toronto’s busiest communities in the summertime but, like The Beach, it can be under-appreciated as temperatures drop. Like Winter Stations, Ice Breakers is an interactive celebration of public art. We want to nudge Torontonians back outside and inspire them to keep engaging with the city.”

Winter Stations is set along the beaches of Ashbridges Bay and Kew Beach and the third annual design competition returns on Family Day in February. 2016 photos here.
'Winter Diamonds'

“We are thrilled to be working with the team behind Winter Stations on this brand new exhibition” says Carol Jolly, Executive Director, The Waterfront BIA. “Following the completion of the revitalized Promenade, we wanted to bring an interactive and design-centric event to the area. Ice Breakers will be our marquee winter event and our hope is to encourage people to get out and discover the beauty of the Toronto Waterfront, all year round.”

See the descriptions of the art from Ice Breaker along with more photos after the jump.

"‘Leeward Fleet’ by RAW, Canada Square, Harbourfront Centre
Celebrating Toronto’s richharbour history, design studio RAW introduces three pivoting structures to Canada Square. Inspired by ice and sailboat technology, enamel masts hold up brightly coloured sails, each of which serve as sculptural references to the days prior to ferry transportation.

‘ICEBOX’ by Polymetis, HTO Park
The Canadian winter is a landscape of contrasts: between empty blank whiteness and things not fully shrouded in snow and ice; between the (more-or-less) static physical world and the temporal surfaces of frozen water that accumulate and dissipate over it; between being inside, in the warmth, and being outside, in the cold. ‘ICEBOX’ seeks to manifest these contrasts and provide space for introspection, social interaction, and shared appreciation of winter.
‘Winter Diamonds’ by Platant, Music Garden East
The shimmering lights emitted from ‘White Diamonds’ attract contemplation of these fragile, yet solid structures. The viewer is invited to engage with a poetic and dreamy focal point, in a vast winter landscape.
Ann brings some colour to the stark shapes

‘Incognito’ by Curio Art Consultancy and Jaspal Riyait, Rees Street Parkette
Using architectural massing models as the inspiration for the structures, ‘Incognito’ explores what happens when you make the City’s architectural interventions invisible. Adopting the same camouflaging technology used by warships, the wintery environment will render the installation truly incognito, shaping the public’s interaction with the piece.

‘Tailored Twins’ by Ferris + Associates, Peter Street Basin
A set of faceted wooden hands rise three metres from the lookouts at the Peter Street Basin. Their gold-mirror palms bath the basin in a warm sun-like glow."

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