Saturday, May 23, 2015

@Doors_OpenTO 2015 Fort York National Historic Site

Over 155 incredible buildings in Toronto are open to the public over the May 24 weekend and Fresh Joe and I took the opportunity to see the historic military garrison at Old York on Artillery Day. 'Two centuries of firepower' featuring the Fort York Guard, the 2nd Regiment Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, the 7the Toronto Regiment Royal Canadian Artillery and the Limber Gunners' Association brought out their big guns and fired them at 12:30 and 2:00 pm on Saturday, May 23.

Located at 250 Fort York Boulevard the site is open from 10am to 5pm, Saturday to Sunday, with the last admittance at 4:30 for the Doors Open event at the Fort. No cannons or artillery will be fired on Sunday. The Toronto Doors Open, Canada's largest, is sponsored by Great Gulf and was started in the year 2000.
"Fearful of war with the United States, Simcoe planned to establish a naval base at Toronto so he could control Lake Ontario. Simcoe also moved the capital to Toronto from the exposed border town of Niagara. Civilian settlement followed and a community, named York, began to grow two kilometres east of the Fort. In 1834 York was renamed Toronto. Fort York National Historic Site is the birthplace of modern, urban Toronto, a battlefield, an archaeological resource, and is home to Canada's largest collection of original War of 1812 buildings. Through a wide range of exhibits, programs, special events, and other public services, it explores Toronto's rich and diverse history in Canada's military past."

Posted by Joe Hamilton and James Hamilton. See more after the jump.

The Artillery Regiment brought their band and volunteers also had a barbeque grilling hamburgers and hotdogs for donations.

The Limber Gunners of the 7th Toronto Regiment eject the spent shell casing

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