Sunday, May 24, 2015

@Doors_OpenTO 2015 Black Creek Pioneer Village

Going back in time to the early Ontario farming settlements in the late 1700's and early 1800's we get a chance to wander the open-air heritage museum that provides some of the oldest doors in the Doors Open Toronto experience.
The horses are just some of the animals that you can find in the pens, corrals and also on the fields. A large stone mill sits on the edge of hill, cut off from the waters of Black Creek that drove the big water wheel, but full of the machinery that ground some of their crops into powder.

Black Creek Pioneer Village was founded on Daniel Stong's 1816 farmland where he built his hom and later opened as a historical park in 1960 by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. Some of the buildings were from the area but many came from around Ontario, moved to the village to preserve the many varieties of commercial and domestic buildings.
You can also find special events on throughout the year, just check out their calendar. June 20-21 will see a revolutionary war re-enactment during the Battle of Black Creek.

See more of the park after the jump.
The printing house
A tiny Boots & Shoes building
Instead of neon signs, early merchants had examples of their wares hanging outside - here is a big boot.

Early washrooms with a crescent moon symbol
Individual pew boxes with doors in one of the churches
A wagon sits ready to move people during Christmas and other special events
An ugly turkey is on the make

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