Saturday, March 21, 2015

Toronto Comicon 2015

Comics and cosplay filled the south hall of the Metro Convention Centre to bursting and spilled over into the entrance halls leading up to the spring Comicon.
Celebrity photo ops and autograph sessions could be purchased with Dickey Beer, Amber Benson, Grant Bowler, Chad Coleman, Tony Curran, Shannen Doherty, Terry Farrell, Karen Gillan, Graham Greene, Christopher Judge, Jaime Murray, Jesse Rath and J August Richards. Besides the stars you could try to walk between the aisles of comics and other merchandise looking for that perfect gift for the true fans.
Karli Woods
There were also plenty of artists displaying and selling their works in Artist Alley. But the best part is the community of fans that dress up in their favourite costumes and pose for photos from an appreciative audience.
Latex superheroes
A mob of Spidermans
Deadmau5 cosplay

Posted by Joe Hamilton and James Hamilton. See more cosplay after the jump.

Cruella De Vil by

EnaBunny Cosplay

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