Wednesday, April 03, 2013

First Nations painting at Allan Gardens

All My Relations is an aboriginal mural painted on the #Toronto Gerrard watermain replacement project's temporary construction wall. The painting which celebrates Aboriginal Life was started in the summer of 2012 and was dedicated on November 9, 2012 by First Nation artistst and representatives and local area Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam. Over 20 artists worked on the mural and lead artists were Tannis Nielsen and Phillip Cote.
"Entitled “All My Relations”, the mural beautifies the temporary wooden fencing surrounding the main construction site for the Gerrard Watermain Replacement Project in Allan Gardens and will be in place for three and a half years until project completion. The size of two football fields, this artwork is a visual representation of First Nations life and culture in Toronto."

Allan Gardens Conservatory is one of the city's oldest park which contains the historic greenhouses and the giant dome of Palm House with over 16,000 square feet full of plants and flowers. The park is located at Carlton and Sherbourne Streets within easy walking distance of the Eaton Centre. You can see some of the flowers on my post here.

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