Sunday, March 07, 2010

Toronto International Bicycle Show

The bike show (bicycles not motorcycles) came into Toronto just in time for the weather that makes you think of getting the bikes out of the garage. The Better Living Centre Building in the CNE was crammed full of bikes and bikers. It really was a big bike sales event with a few exciting BMX riding events going on at a few locations. The riders, both male and female, really go all out and there were quite a few hard landings.

In addition to the bikes there was plenty of bike clothing wear - you know about those tight bicycle shorts? Now you can get a full body outfit of the stuff. And you thought bikers wearing assless chaps and body paint was a little risque. Looking at some of the high prices and futuristic designs you forget about the humble kids bike with a banana seat, big handle bars and a hockey card in the spokes.

Parking was full as their was another big show going on in the Direct Energy Centre Building and their was a bizarre and crazy bathroom monitor in the east side men's bathroom in the Better Living Centre.

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