Monday, January 11, 2010

Photo Vault - Sights around Toronto

Toronto's skyline from across the bay as the sunsets over the city. Of course we now know that the CN Tower is no longer top dog in tall structures as the Dubai Tower, named Burj Dubai, takes over top spot.

The urban park at Yonge-Dundas has a great feature - a parallel line of fountain sprinklers that have jets of water that are fun to play in on a hot summer day.

During the long conversion of the Don Valley Brickyards from it's crumbling industrial decay to an urban park, the interior of the brick factory was a smorgasbord of graffiti and building waste that was exciting to explore on a sunny day. The sun would poke through the holes in the ceiling and bright beams would light up the gloomy, dank structure. The photos above were taken in January of 2006. Now called Evergreen Brick Works the site also includes a Farmers Market.

The TD Canada Trust Tower pokes into the sky in the downtown core, it's sign almost obscured by the steam rising in the cold of December, 2005.

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1 comment:

Toronto Movers said...

I actually think Toronto is under rated as a city. Tourists flock to New York or Vancouver, when Toronto has the best of both worlds. We have a lively city with beautiful scenery and wildlife nearby, plus Lake Ontario and Niagara nearby.

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