Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Fandom - help make a movie

I attended a small, initial blogging event at the Toronto Production Offices of Raining Thoughts where they are pioneering an interactive (or crowdsourcing) method of making movies - "Fandom - be part of the experience." The event was hosted by Fandom Creator and Director Tim Martin, photo above, who showed us around the large video production office and sometimes film studio and told us about Fandom. Here Tim relaxes early in the evening before the start of the event.

The concept is simple, become a member of Fandom at a low, one time cost of about $20 USD and become involved in the entire process of making the movie. And when they say involved they really mean it. Want to act in a feature film? Make a YouTube video audition and you could be acting in the movie. It's your turn to be a star - or maybe a face in the crowd (hello movie extras)! Help decide script, casting and shooting locations, create film trailers and design posters, apply to be a production assistant. After the movie is made members will receive a DVD and graphic novel at no extra cost. Unless you want to buy your own movie studio this seems like a great way to exercise your creative desires involving the big screen.

Now many movies use focus groups and test audiences to review their completed films and changes are sometimes made based on audience reactions. However the Fandom interactive film development concept allows input from the beginning. The question is whether everyone's input will make a better movie or a creative mess. Will film making democracy have too many voices? Raining Thoughts will answer that question with your help. Maybe it will end up in Toronto's own film festival TIFF. You can also check Fandom out on Facebook.

Toronto is no stranger to film and video production, I took this picture of someone filming in Nathans Phillips Square just this week, so I hope that the Fandom members choose Toronto for the filming of the movie.

The movie will be written, shot and produced in 2010 and Tim describes the film as a coming of age comedy about two young, carefree friends working in a comic book store who take over and run the store after the owner dies. Co-writers Tim Martin and Tyrone Felix (below) are currently writing the screenplay.

Fandom will provide me with a complimentary membership so I will continue to blog about my experience with this adventure. I can't wait for the premier screening, so until then lights, camera, action!

The production team from left to right: Wlodek Redzej, Valerie Croft, Tim Martin, Eris, James Rollo and Tyrone Felix.

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