Monday, November 16, 2009

Anne Mroczkowski - Update: Laid off from CityTV

Anne Mroczkowski, co-anchor of CityTV news, films a news story on the streets of Toronto. She was reporting on the money stores retain, or as she says "holds hostage", when returning the not so perfect gift. Check CityNews for the full story.

UPDATE January 19, 2010. The very able Anne joins many other news staff on the unemployement line as CityTV shows her and Laura DiBattista as well as a large number of staff (rumoured to be about 35 in total) out the door. CityTV hasn't taken her off all of their webpages yet. Here she is on the personalities page.

UPDATE January 21, 2010. Both The Toronto Star and EYE WEEKLY have taken my picture and used it in their online articles - without any credit or link. Check my blog post here

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