We're almost through @CollisionHQ 2021 with experts from around the world presenting online over multiple channels from April 20 to 21. The world of tech is brought to life with panels, talks, Q & As and masterclasses with help from some celebrity heavy hitters like Ryan Reynolds, Nicole Kidman and Mark Ruffalo. Mix in some founders of some of the world's top tech, communication, media and social media companies along with new startups and you have the reason the annual conference has attracted almost 40,000 people to attend Toronto's virtual event. It's a full slate on the final day and remember the conference returns in 2022.
Over 600 speakers are presenting in compact sessions from 9am to 5pm daily. On Thursday, April 22 the morning sessions include Google and Etsy's vision of the future of work while Cindy Crawford discusses the model entrepreneur. Experts will discuss the future of the travel industry, gaming, marketing and even what Walmart US will do next. My new media senses are tingling with "Is free news worth the cost" panel with Alyson Shontell of Business Insider, Katherine Bell of Quartz, Kyle Pope at Columbia and David Haskell of New York Magazine.
Networking, Learning and Development, Lead Generation, Premium Content, Team Building and Brand Awareness are the six selling points for joining the Collision experience. Knowledge and insights into the world of tech and so many other important areas are the real reasons to jump on board. Although some knowledge seems scary - like the session titled "You thought Covid was bad?" with this lead in; "Pandemics suck. But, over time, they do disappear. The real issue is broader than Covid-19: Are we going to learn anything from this Earth-changing event?"
On day 3 (April 22) there was an excellent cross section of talks through the four channels; 1. Centre, 2. Creators, 3. Society and 4. Builders. Some of the sessions I watched included "What does recovery look like for the events industry?", "Live from your living room", "Jameela Jamil: The I Weigh movement" and "Are cities finished?". The interviews and panels were all interesting and flowed smoothly, none of the typical zoom issues, except for a few muted moments as panelists started to talk before they realized that no one could hear them.
I finished the day with a startup masterclass: I'm a VC, ask me anything with David Tisch from Boxgroup and a later watched a Q&A with Lawfare's Alexander Vindman who discussed his current status (finishing a PhD among many other things) and responded to current event questions (was the recent computer hack an act of war?) along with touching on some of the Trump related issues.
Interesting and insightful, Collision Tech Conference is definitely a positive experience that I highly recommend.
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