Wednesday, April 07, 2021

Island Lake Conservation Area in Orangeville

You can see the boardwalk and the lake as you drive north on Highway 10 in Orangeville and as we pass we often said we would have to go to the park. So finally we decided to make the trip just to go to the park which we found out is the Island Lake Conservation Area run by Credit Valley Conservation.

Map of Island Lake

There is limited parking in the conservation area and we weren't sure where they were ahead of time but we knew there was an entrance off of Highway 10 at 4th Avenue. Signs say don't park at the home hardware so we decided to go to the Winners mall, do a bit of shopping and then headed into the park and started walking the 8km Vicki Barron Lakeside Trail which circles the reservoir.

The trail passes through several types of forest

There was no entrance booth at the 4th Avenue pedestrian access however you can prepay online or go through the Hurontario Street road entrance where there is a fee collector gatehouse. Adults admission is $5.75 and in the park you can find limited parking, bathrooms, amphitheater and other activities like a boat rental and boat launch. Some of the features may not be available due to covid restrictions or time of year.

See more of the park after the jump.

Pussy willows - spring is busting out
Quite a bit of the trail is on wooden boardwalks
An amphitheater sits in the water
A new covered bridge is under construction

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