Sunday, May 12, 2019

High Park full of blossoms and people

It's a good thing Toronto's High Park is so big because when the cherry blossom festival comes into peak bloom, most of the city moves into the park to witness and document the occasion. On Saturday, May 11 the Sakura cherry trees were indeed in peak bloom and anticipated to remain that way for a few days more - unless the unmerciful weather decides to intervene, but nothing beats a sunny weekend of blossoms!

Adjacent parking lots and streets were full of park visitors as more poured in through the vehicle free roads. Public transit pumped the arteries of people, ebbing and flowing as each new streetcar dropped off its load and continued its journey. Popular spots to park were the lots along Lake Shore Boulevard, currently without the parking machines (so enjoy the free parking until they get installed), and walked north until they hit an entrance to High Park.

See the massive crowds at various spots in the park

Some of the trees did go to leaves, skipping the blossom stage and it looks like most of the trees weren't as full as other years, however the forest of white and pink was still very impressive.

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