Sunday, May 05, 2019

No cherry blossoms in High Park yet

Peak bloom is happening and thousands of people are in High Park on Saturday, May 11.
Sakura cherry trees are progressing towards blossoms, but still the flowers are still in the floret stage, waiting for a few more days to come in a shock of white. From May 4th the park has been closed to vehicular traffic but still the crowds make it in to the park wander through the cherry tree groves, looking for evidence of the coming peak bloom. Update: Blossoms have been busting out all over Toronto and Peak Bloom is on starting May 10.

The park train is running, cost is now $5 for adults and the trains are supposed to come every half hour

Some cosplay in the park

Update May 6, 2019: There are blossoms in the Niagara area and in parts of Toronto, like at the University of Toronto, where the buds have started to blossom.

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