The prestigious award helps to support the careers of the under 30 artists and is in partnership with the Canadian Photography Institute of the National Gallery of Canada.
The winners: Zinnia, Luther and Ethan
"The winners will each receive: A cash prize of $10,000. The opportunity to be featured in two group exhibitions. Toronto: The Gladstone Hotel (2nd Floor Main Gallery) from May 1 - June 9, 2019Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada (Canadian Photography Institute PhotoLab) from September 27, 2019 - March 22, 2020. Award recipients will also be included in educational programming and present artist talks in September at the National Gallery of Canada."
The CONTACT Photography Festival features Canadian and International photographers, presented in a number of galleries, museums and other locations - like the large scale pictures in Brookfield
Place. "The Festival also includes a wide range of Programs including a book fair, a symposium, lectures, talks, panels, and workshops. CONTACT exhibitions and programs are free and open to the public, with some exceptions at major museums."
Sputnik Photos at Brookfield Place - Allan Lambert Galleria
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