Saturday, April 28, 2018

Burleigh Falls

I was driving towards Ottawa passing through scenic east Ontario, north of Highways 401 and 7, on a very rainy day. The rain started overnight and continued into day and finally overnight and into the afternoon of the next day. All that rain, combined with melting snow and ice created many a swollen river and raging waterfalls.

Water flowing from Lower Buckhorn Lake into Stoney Lake passes through a dam and under the Highway 28 bridge, cascading down past several small islands before the pounding current stops churning and goes gentle into the lake. The waterfall is just south of Lock 48 on the Trent-Severn Waterway and there is a small parking spot down Old Burleigh Road. The land is also Ontario parkland so you can get out and wander along the water's edge and really enjoy the beauty of nature.
Another waterfall blows through an opening in the forest

It is hard to driver several hours on Highway 401, the monotony of the vista and the steady route just do their best to put me to sleep. Taking more northern, smaller highways like Highway 41 and 28 let you enjoy the rolling, rocky and tree lined parts of eastern Ontario - full of lakes, rivers, peaceful picnic areas and parks.
You can also find some interesting homes - this one would be a cool half a million fixer upper in Toronto.

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