Sunday, April 08, 2018

Transform at fitc Toronto 2018

I am dreaming of Mars while watching people take on a digital skin at the fitc conference. The 3 day 'professional celebration of the best the world has to offer in design, web development, media and innovation in creative technologies'. Fitc stands for Future. Innovation. Technology. Creative. Apparently it used to mean 'Flash in the Can' with Flash representing the main focus early in the history of the organization.
I took in Rick Mason's talk 'A love letter to flash' which was billed as one of the B side presentations, photo above. He started off showing some items that no one could figure out, such as a very old tv antenna tuner dial, then progressed through things like floppy discs and flash. Then he took us through the history of flash, created in 1996, later acquired by Macromedia and later by Adobe. It was for many in the audience an emotional tour of the program which was used by many in the audience starting early in their education and careers.
Krystal Blackwood at fitc Toronto 2018
Krystal Blackwood from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory will discuss  the 'soup to nuts' of NASA'S mission designs. Krys takes us through the incredible missions already accomplished, like Voyager and the Mar's Rovers, to the planning of new missions. Her story of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory was also fascinating. JPL is one of 10 NASA centres and is owned by a college. The Laboratory predates NASA and has become an important part of space exploration. Ms. Blackwood is part of a small group that looks at improving the human factors involved in the use and design of NASA software.
The show consists of multiple presentations and discussions occurring throughout the day along with several stations setup on the main conference floor with vendors like Microsoft, Seneca College and their applied arts course, Architeck, Thinkingbox, Miami Ad School, Rangle.IO, Samsung, Autodesk and Free Roam VR from Globacore. One of the striking visual stations was the Digital Skin where artists paint with light and video on human subjects. The wireless device is used with a projector to beam the designs on both the screen and the human canvas.
Meanwhile artist and creator Mateo Mounier is painting a digital canvas on the human form.
Relaxing in the ambient room

The conference is on from April 8-10, 2018 at the downtown Hilton.

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