Monday, January 01, 2018

Fun things to do in Toronto 2018

There is always something going on in Canada's largest and North America's four largest city and you can find them here. The list is on the right sidebar but as a lot of people now use smartphones to browse the internet it is time for a separate post on the Toronto Grand Prix Tourist blog.
I have organized the events and attractions in two month blocks so you can find things to do faster that going through a yearly list and posted photos for many of the events. If you want a break from boredom, a little excitement or want to try something new this is where it's at. Some events are annual festivals, some are parades, some are one offs that come into Toronto and never return and many are favourites that you never want to miss. It is time for a little adventure in your life.
Fun things to do in Toronto January and February 2018
Fun things to do in Toronto March and April 2018
Fun things to do in Toronto May and June 2018
Fun things to do in Toronto July and August 2018
Fun things to do in Toronto September and October 2018
Fun things to do in Toronto November and December 2018

You can also search the following categories for things to do.
Car Shows and Races in Toronto 2018
Motorcycle Shows in Toronto 2018
NASCAR Pinty's Series Races 2018
Beer and Spirit Festivals in Toronto 2018
Toronto Runs 2018

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