Monday, January 08, 2018

A little ice in the harbour

Toronto has been locked into an extended period of extreme cold which has broken records and slowly turned the inner harbour into a big ice cube. January 5 beat out 1959 with a temp of -23 C and wind chills have made the cold feel like -35 or -40 C. The cold has been so widespread that already 28% of the Great Lakes now have a solid ice cover as compared to the almost 5% the same time last year.

The ferries to the islands have been down to passengers on will possibly return to service on Sunday, January 8, 2018. Fire boats and ferries still churn through the harbour trying to keep the pathways open so that they are ready for a return to service. Travel to islands by the residents and business is through the Toronto Airport ferry during this period. What with the cool summer, flooding and ice it has been a trifle hard to really enjoy the island. Hopefully next year will be a little warmer, a little less damp.
The WM Lyon Mackenzie fire boat/ice breaker
The sun sets on HTO park

The polar vortex which usually locks the cold weather where it belongs - at Santa's North Pole, and let it wander down south and cool the Six down. A high pressure arctic ridge brings the NW winds and cold temperatures to us. Ice cover and high wind chills even ended up cancelling the annual New Years Day Polar Bear Dips.

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