Friday, October 13, 2017

Port Dover Friday the 13th October 2017

It's a little warmer since the last Friday the 13th motorcycle rally held in January so the crowds are expected to be bigly, or hugely, or whatever the new term this time around. Parties have already started ahead of the famous Friday (#63 since 1981) and the Molson Main Stage tent is heated and ready for more entertainment. Flash Johnson will open on Friday at 11am and the free, live entertainment will continue until Back in Black the AC/DC Tribute band goes on stage at 10:20pm and finishes off the night. Find a beer tent, walk the streets looking at the bikes and have fun in the Lake Erie Port town. Don't forget to buy your Friday the 13th patch.
A beautiful biker sits on the Steampunk Ratbike
Roads into town are closed for non-residents in cars so go to the parking lots and take a shuttle into Port Dover for only $10 per person. The lots are on St John's Road when coming from Hamilton and on Highway 6 when coming from the west and their will be plenty of signage so you won't get lost. Just remember where they drop you off, you will need to get on the same shuttle route to get back to your car. Shuttles will run from 8am Friday to 4am Saturday. Police had anticipated that 80,000 people would converge in Port Dover for the famous rally known as biker day.
Bikes along the street early in the morning
By noon the streets are almost full

Port Dover Friday the 13th
A 360 degree photo at Walker and Main Streets (Highway 6)

I am in town early and at 9:30am the weather is cloudy, windy and cool. Bikes are starting to fill the roads and you can walk on the sidewalks still. Right now the leathers are being put to good use as people check out the motorcycles and wait for the many beer tents to open.
Next year will have two motorcycle rallies: number 64 on Friday, April 13 and number 65 on Friday, July 13, 2018. See more photos after the jump.

Flash Johnson
At the beer tent

Thong Man

2016 crowds

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